Elenco delle specie minerali del “Somma-Vesuvio”

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Massimo Russo
Italo Campostrini


The Somma-Vesuvius complex, for its areal extension, is certainly one of the richest locations in the world for mineralogical species. It is a stratovolcano that over time with its eruptions has built the edifice we know today, alternating periods of explosive activity with periods of lava emissions. It is due to these types of activities that the variety of mineralogical species present is so great. Explosive events brought to light chunks of conduit ripped by magma during the ascent from the magma chamber to the surface, while effusive events are characterized by pneumatolytic hydrothermal minerals formed during lava cooling. A significant contribution is also due to the fumaroles’ activity, which over time have often deposed very rare mineral species. This list takes into consideration the 286 species recognized up to now, plus numerous commentary notes.

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