Il sentiero più antico del mondo

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Adolfo Panarello
Paolo Mietto


The details and in-depth descriptions provided in this careful report give a complete description of what is considered the oldest human pathway up to now know in the world. The so-called “P1 Pathway” has the same direction of the ledge overlooking the slope on which the so-called "Ciampate del diavolo" are preserved and some fossil footprints have been recognized also inside its space. People and animals walked along this path during prehistoric times. In the same space, men and animals have been walking during historical time, and walk at present time in a chronological continuity, recorded on topographical maps, that finds no comparison anywhere else in the world and that seems to be due to the important geomorphological constraints that have always influenced the settlement choices in this area. The detailed description of this uncommon ichnological structure is integrated and completed with the tables, graphs, and pictures given in the Supplement 4 of this volume [Panarello e Mietto, 2022d].

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