Segni umani recenti sulla pendice delle orme preistoriche

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Paolo Mietto
Adolfo Panarello


The various on-field activities which have been carried out by researchers in the “Devil’s Trails” palaeontological site from 2005 to 2010 and the subsequent Ph.D. researches on the site that took place until 2016 have allowed us to identify - in addition to the various ichnological evidence of prehistoric times - also a series of anthropic cuts made in various historical times. These cuts sometimes overlap the prehistoric traces, or partially alter them, so creating many problems of interpretation. For this reason, "recent" anthropogenic cuts have been studied in great depth, to fully understand their etiology, morphology, typologies, and precise functions, with a view to a maximally objective assessment of the authenticity of prehistoric ichnites. In this report, we provide a complete and analytical description of such anthropogenic evidence from historical times.

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