On 26 and 27 June, 2019, the Environment Department of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) organized a first internal workshop dedicated to the scientific and technological research on the marine environment. This volume contains the extended abstracts of the presentations given in the workshop. INGV promotes the development of research, observational infrastructures and services related to the marine environment in the broad sense for a variety of stakeholders. These activities, mostly carried out within the framework of the Environment Department, are dispersed in different Sections of INGV, involving various groups of researchers, technologists, technicians and project managers. The workshop aim was to present the state‐of‐the‐art of the activities around the marine environment and promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas and expertise among colleagues. More than 60 INGV scientists attended the workshop with a lively interest and active participation to constructive debates. This volume includes 35 extended abstracts grouped three categories: (1) Research, (2) Infrastructures and (3) Services for the Society. The Research Section has 23 abstracts on topics ranging from fluid geochemistry of natural marine emissions in both volcanic, hydrothermal and sedimentary settings, crustal structures and imaging, the evolution of the physical state of the Mediterranean, observed sea level trends and future projections, paleoclimate reconstructions and proxies for the occurrence of paleo‐tsunami. The Infrastructures Section includes 6 abstracts presenting the state of the art and the perspectives of INGV research facilities, the development of original devices and techniques for the monitoring of a variety of physical phenomena in the Mediterranean environment, with specific attention on areas of active volcanism and tectonics, as well as the management of specific databases. The Services for the Society Section also includes 6 abstracts related to original experimental devices developed for security in harbor environments, as well as to operational oceanography and to third mission initiatives aimed to raise public awareness toward environmental pollution and marine sciences. The large variety of the topics presented and the relatively high number of attendees respect to the youthfulness and limited dimension of the marine environmental research area at INGV compared to its traditional disciplines, is an incitement to promote further this kind of initiatives based on in‐person discussion and mutual update. We take the opportunity to express our thankfulness to all the attendees.
Published: 2021-03-26