Dear Participant, we are very happy to welcome you in Pescina (Abruzzi, Italy) for the 6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology (“6th PATA Days”). In the last six years, INQUA TERPRO Focus Group on Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics (PALACTE), supported very successful Workshops annually held in Europe and Overseas, the last in Korea in 2014. The 6th joint meeting locates in the central Apennines, one of the most tectonically active area in the Mediterranean. In fact, the scientific sessions will be attended in the Pescina village that was completely destroyed by the 1915 M7 Fucino earthquake, one of the most devastating earthquakes ever occurred in Italy. This event is also one of the first to be well documented in the Mediterranean, with surface ruptures and other effects on the environment. We will commemorate the Centenary of this event occurrence. We will be also very close to the source of the 2009 M6.3 L’Aquila event, located about 50 km to the north. The two-days field trip will be dedicated to both the earthquake areas. We are expecting a very intense and worldwide scientific meeting with over 180 participants from 25 different countries, and about 150 studies to be presented and discussed. All this will occur in the unique historical atmosphere of the ancient Pescina village at the Centro Studi “Ignazio Silone”, a cultural center devoted to the fellow citizen, world-famous writer. During the Fucino 2015 event we will discuss the final results of the INQUA Project 1299 – EEE METRICS Parametrization of Earthquake Environmental Effects (2011-2015) that will be formally presented on July 2015 at the XIX INQUA Congress in Nagoya (Japan). This will be also the occasion to further discuss future joint research projects for the 2015-2019 intercongress period. Two major research areas have been identified in the PALACTE meeting held in Madrid last year (2628 February 2014), i.e., 1) Minimum Magnitude Surface Rupture (MMR) and Maximum Potential Earthquake (MPE) from paleoseismic Quaternary records, and 2) Geological Earthquake Mapping of recent, historical and paleoseismic events: Quaternary Geology for Seismic Hazard Analyses. Preliminary community projects covering these areas will be discussed during the INQUA Business Meeting in Pescina. You are also kindly invited to the workshop between the European Plate Observing System (EPOS, an integrated solid Earth Sciences research infrastructure), and EuroGeoSurveys (EGS, an organization representing 37 National Geological Surveys and some regional Surveys in Europe). During the workshop, an open debate involving the Fucino 2015 participants will be focused on the integration of geological and geophysical data for scientific research purposes, as well as on common data policies in order to access to harmonized multidisciplinary data. We wish to acknowledge all the people who supported this event and in particular, the Mayor of Pescina Municipality Antonio Iulianella and the Comitato Pescina 2015 for their invaluable work with the organization, the members of the Scientific Committee, the Sponsors, and all the Colleagues who handled the abstracts. We wish you a fruitful conference with constructive scientific discussion but also the discovery of history, tradition and food of the Abruzzi region in the central Italy. “GRAZIE” for your contribution to Fucino 2015! The Fucino 2015 Organizing Committee Anna Maria Blumetti Francesca Romana Cinti Paolo Marco De Martini Fabrizio Galadini Luca Guerrieri Alessandro Maria Michetti Daniela Pantosti Eutizio Vittori
Pubblicato: 12-01-2022