The project “Sale Operative Integrate e Rete di monitoraggio futuro” (Integrated Control Rooms and Future Monitoring Network, “S.O.I.R. future monitoring”) is aimed at integrating the seismic, volcanic and tsunami monitoring systems. The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology INGV), is Center of Competence for the National Civil Protection System, and carries out these services in three Control rooms: one at the Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti (National Earthquake Observatory - ONT) in Rome, the second at the Osservatorio Vesuviano (Vesuvian Observatory - OV) in Naples and the third at the Osservatorio Etneo (Etna Observatory - OE) in Catania.
The project, financed by the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Ministry of Education, University and Research -MIUR) through the Fondo Integrativo Speciale per la Ricerca (Special Integrative Fund for Research - FISR) was approved at the end of 2017 and received several extensions. The final deadline of the project is now fixed at 31st December 2020, the last 10 months of the project suffer from the COVID-19 health emergency.
Undoubtedly, achieving a better integration between the three operating rooms in Rome, Naples and Catania was the most ambitious goal pursued and by the project, but numerous other technical and scientific objectives had been addressed thanks to all the participants to the working packages and tasks of the project. The project was organized in six working packages (WP), briefly described in the following
Thanks to the technicians, technologists, researchers and administrative staff participating in the project, their commitment allowed, despite many unforeseen events, to achieve many of the goals. A sincere thanks to the INGV President Prof. Carlo Doglioni and to Dr. Maria Siclari, Director General of the INGV, who supported us since the beginning of this journey and who left the INGV on 15 June 2020 to fill the prestigious position of Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Protection.
The idea of this Miscellaneous was born before the awareness that the COVID-19 health emergency would become a global pandemic. The final meeting of the project was planned to be held in June 2020 but unfortunately it was impossible to realize, consequently this Miscellaneous replaced the meeting and gathered most of the results achieved by the project.
We would therefore like to thank the authors and reviewers involved in the drafting of this volume. Last but not least, we wish to express our gratitude to the CEN Editorial staff, their professionalism, passion and patience, allowed us to publish the report on schedule.
Published: 2020-12-14